“We want to help HRC ensure a future of full equality for all LGBTQ+ people in this country and worldwide, and to secure our progress for future generations.”
– Marilyn McConnell & Jody Gates, Equality Circle Members
What Will Your Legacy Be?
Your support of HRC reflects your values – values of justice, equality, and compassion. A gift left to HRC in your will or trust or by beneficiary designation is a way to ensure your values live on for future generations. Your commitment to a future of equality and fairness for all can be your lasting legacy.
How You Support Our Work

Ensuring Seniors Have Access to Long-Term Care Equality Resources
A benchmarking tool for LGBTQ+ inclusion in senior housing and long-term care communities.

Supporting LGBTQ+ Children and Parents
HRC is here to help those struggling to understand, accept and embrace differences.

Demanding Quality Health Care for All People
A person should not be discriminated against based on how they identify nor should this identity deny them health care.

Fighting for LGBTQ+ Equality
No community should feel marginalized. Equality should be given to all.
Easy Ways to Make a Lasting Impact

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