This HRC resource places comments about the Bible alongside the real-life experiences and concerns of LGBTQ+ people of faith and our allies.
Out In Scripture is a collection of over 175 conversations about the Bible. With the skilled help of 100 diverse scholars and pastors, from over 11 different denominations, you will discover a fresh approach to Scripture. Here you can be honest, question and go deeper.
Out in Scripture is a great devotional resource as you consider your life of faith and put that faith into action. It is also especially helpful for preachers preparing sermons based on the Revised Common Lectionary.
You don’t have to leave your mind, heart and body behind when you encounter the Bible. This Human Rights Campaign resource places comments about the Bible alongside the real life experiences and concerns of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people of faith and our allies. The Bible’s not about beating you up, but lifting us all up. It includes the seeds of liberation and justice. You, too, can be out in Scripture.
The lectionary is a three-year plan of selected Bible readings for each Sunday of the year. Find out even more about the lectionary at the Consultation on Common Texts. For tips on putting this resource to use, or for more information on the scholars and pastors behind it, click here.