by Sarah McBride •
Military and national security officials, bipartisan elected leaders also oppose discriminatory ban.
HRC condemned the newly-released official Trump-Pence Administration policy attempting to implement Donald Trump’s discriminatory ban on transgender troops. Trump’s hastily tweeted troop ban, which has now been turned into official policy, is opposed by national security leaders, military officials, servicemembers’ organizations and bipartisan elected officials, including top Republicans in Congress.
“There is simply no way to spin it, the Trump-Pence Administration is going all in on its discriminatory, unconstitutional and despicable ban on transgender troops,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “Donald Trump and Mike Pence are pushing their extreme anti-transgender prejudices onto the military over the overwhelming objections of bipartisan officials, national security leaders and the American public. We will never stop fighting this discriminatory policy until every current and future transgender service member is treated equally and respected fully for their bravery."
“The Trump-Pence Administration continues to double down on its cruel and unconstitutional ban on transgender troops,” said HRC National Press Secretary Sarah McBride. “From the first impulsive tweet, this policy has clearly been driven by an extreme anti-LGBTQ agenda rather than what is in the best interests of our troops and national security. Transgender people are enlisting and serving with distinction right now, and there is no legitimate reason to change that. Moreover, releasing this news under cover of darkness late on a Friday night means thousands of transgender troops will wake up tomorrow with their lives turned upside down. This couldn’t be more cowardly or wrong.”
This guidance seeks to implement the Twitter policy of Donald Trump to ban transgender people from serving or enlisting in the military. In August, HRC joined as an organizational co-plaintiff in Karnoski v. Trump, a case brought by Lambda Legal and Outserve-SLDN, challenging the ban in court. HRC is joined by the American Military Partner Association, Gender Justice League, and nine individuals as co-plaintiffs in the case. Six separate federal courts have issued rulings blocking implementation of the ban. Barring further court action, the administration cannot implement this ban.
Earlier this month, HRC, Lambda Legal, OutServe-SLDN, the American Military Partner Association, and Gender Justice League unveiled a new television ad -- entitled “Patriots” -- featuring military, national security, and bipartisan officials voicing opposition to the Trump-Pence administration’s ban on transgender servicemembers. The television ad is part of the largest paid media campaign against Donald Trump's ban on transgender troops since he tweeted the policy last July -- and complements a full page print ad that ran in USA Today and more than 32 regional Gannett papers nationwide.
An overwhelming majority of Americans support open service of transgender service members. In July of 2017, the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted down an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act barring transgender servicemembers from accessing medically necessary transition related care. Following the president’s series of tweets in July of 2017, national security leaders and members of Congress from both parties condemned the policy: