To ensure that we protect the HRC and HRCF trademarks and to define lines of communication regarding theusage of the logos so that all stakeholders are informed when permission for use is granted.
The HRC and HRCF logos serve as a visual representation of the organization and are an intrinsic part of our branding. The logo bridges the identification of the organization and our work. Our logos are some of the most valuable things that we own and it is our job as caretakers of the
organization to ensure that they are used properly.
Consistent use of our logos will also help HRC and HRCF present a unified, professional image. The more coherently our logo appears through all of our visual communications, the more people will identify it as a symbol of HRC.
Because of the importance of our logos to the organization, we must protect our right to control when and how they are used. Further, in order to comply with and assure protection under federal trademark law, HRC and HRCF are required to monitor all uses of the trademarks. Unauthorized use of our trademarks is subject to civil and criminal penalties.
This policy applies to all employees, contractors (and their employees and contractors) board members, steering committee members and volunteers of HRC and HRCF.
Before any entity outside of HRC or HRCF uses our logos, they must have our express permission. We routinely grant permission to HRC and HRCF event sponsors for their use in designing program book acknowledgments and advertisements, or other placement in HRC and HRCF publications. Also, we often approve use of our logo when we sponsor or co-sponsor event organized by another group. All other uses must be approved by both the Director of Marketing and the General Counsel, who have the sole authority to grant such permissions. Any requests for using a logo should be emailed to
HRC and HRCF are frequently approached by outside organizations with revenue sharing or licensing proposals involving the use of our logo. Such proposals might involve, for example, the offer of a percentage of sales in exchange for permission to use a logo or a fee to use the logo in association with a specific event.
We must remain selective about the situations in which we will allow commercial uses of our logos. Generally, we do not grant such permissions unless we have full confidence in the reputation and business practices of the partnering organizations and the ability to monitor the arrangements. Any requests for such partnerships should be directed to the Vice President for Membership and Development, the Development Director or the Director of Corporation Relations. They will make an initial determination whether the arrangement is worth pursuing. Again, outside explicit permission, no entity may use our logos. The email address should be used for these inquiries.
In instances in which we have authorized an entity to use a logo in a specific locality (as opposed to nationally), if there is a local steering committee in the community, either the Director of Marketing or the General Counsel will contact all local HRC and/or HRC Foundation board members in the community to let them know that HRC has authorized the use and for what purposes.
HRC and HRCF take the unauthorized use of our logos extremely seriously. All individuals suspecting an unauthorized use should contact the General Counsel regarding the situation, and where possible, provide copies or originals of the offending use.
Because the logos include graphic design elements that are part of the trademark, HRC has created standards regarding how the logos are used and displayed (see attached). All covered individuals are expected to adhere to these standards.
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