by HRC Staff •
Western Regional Field Organizer Christopher Cooke was in Dallas representing HRC at the Young Democrats of America’s 2017 National Convention.
Last weekend, Western Regional Field Organizer Christopher Cooke was in Dallas representing HRC at the Young Democrats of America’s 2017 National Convention. HRC’s continued partnership and sponsorship of the conference reflects our commitment to providing young leaders and LGBTQ advocates with training and tools essential to working to advance equality, and stop anti- LGBTQ legislation and other efforts to that seek to marginalize our community.
Cooke trained young leaders on “Building the Resistance,” and also on the importance of allyship and coalition building. In addition to his work at HRC, Cooke has been a part of the Young Democrats of America for 11 years and currently serves at its Southwest Region Director. HRC served on the convention planning committee and assisted with programming for the 2017 convention.
Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims was featured at one of the sessions sponsored by HRC, along with HRC Volunteers MJ Shuman and Amy Tate. Shuman and Tate spoke about the harmful legislation being proposed and the harmful real life hurtful impacts. HRC training on lobbying and an open discussion on organizing in local communities was also offered.
During the conference, news broke about the violence in Charlottesville. In typical fashion, Young Democrats organized members to unanimously adopt a resolution condemning the attack and pledged the organization to its continued stand against racism.