by Nick Totin •
You can be a part of passing this historic legislation.
We all play a part in passing legislation. The Equality Act would provide consistent and explicit anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people across the nation, and it is in the Senate awaiting a vote. Your senators need to hear from supporters like you today!
Here are four ways to help pass the Equality Act and be a part of creating change for generations to come.
1) Contact your Senator
Did you know that every U.S. Senator keeps a tally of all the calls, emails, and letters they receive regarding pieces of legislation from their constituents? Make sure your voice is in their count! Reaching out to your senators is a powerful way to make sure they know our movement will not stop until we’ve achieved equality for all. Text* “Equality Act” to 472-472 and we’ll get you connected with your legislator’s office right away so you call tell them to pass the Equality Act!
If an email is more your style, use this tool to send your senator an email with your own message about why they should pass the Equality Act!
2) Volunteer with HRC
Our movement is stronger with even more voices. Volunteer with HRC to help grow our pro-equality coalition and get others involved in passing the Equality Act. Get started here. You’ll be able to look back and say “I did everything I could to help protect my LGBTQ+ community and fight for equality for all.” That’s a good feeling.
3) Use your voice online
Tag your senator in a tweet! Find your senator’s Twitter handle using our guide and call on them to pass the Equality Act! Your message will reach your senator and it will make your involvement visible to your friends and followers. Challenge them to do the same!
4) Send this article to a friend
Build your own personal pro-equality coalition and get your friends involved! Let them know that you’ll be reaching out to your senator and you want them to do the same. Then volunteer together and help HRC get the Equality Act to President Biden’s desk!
If you want to learn more about the Equality Act, like who it covers and what it protects, visit our resource page here. And be sure to follow HRC on Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook to stay up to date on this important effort and all of our work on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community.
*msg&dataratesmayapply. Recurring msgs. txtSTOP2quit. HELP4info.