by Ryan Wilson •
HRC has endorsed three statewide candidates: Ralph Northam for Governor, Justin Fairfax for Lt. Governor, and Attorney General Mark Herring for re-election and also Danica Roem for the Virginia House of Delegates District 13.
It’s Election Day today in Virginia and HRC staff and volunteers have spent the last few days organizing across Northern Virginia to help during the critical get out the vote (GOTV) weekend. HRC has endorsed three statewide candidates: Ralph Northam for Governor, Justin Fairfax for Lt. Governor, and Attorney General Mark Herring for re-election and also Danica Roem for the Virginia House of Delegates District 13.
On Saturday, 20 staff and volunteers met at HRC headquarters in Washington, D.C., loading into cars and vans and driving to Manassas where they joined 10 other local volunteers to help get out the vote for Danica Roem in the Virginia House of Delegates District 13 race. If elected, Roem will be the nation's only openly transgender state legislator.
Meanwhile in Arlington, nine other HRC volunteers and staff gathered for a canvass shift that was kicked off with a rousing speech from Northam. He specifically talked about how diversity and inclusion is what makes Virginia and America great, and that’s why HRC believes our community needs people like Northam, Fairfax, and Herring in Richmond to move equality forward.
Through the dedication of so many volunteers along with HRC staff, we have knocked on 2,600 doors for pro-equality candidates in just the last few weeks. Additionally, HRC has made calls, sent texts and emails, and mailed endorsement info to more than 50,000 members and supporters in the state.
If you are registered to vote in Virginia, make a plan to go vote on Tuesday, November 7. Polls are open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m., and you can find your polling location here.
Also don’t forget that Virginia law requires all voters to show photo identification to vote in-person.
Check out the list of acceptable forms of ID so you can prepare accordingly.
Paid for by Human Rights Campaign PAC. Authorized by Ralph Northam, candidate for Governor; Justin Fairfax, candidate for Lt. Governor; Mark Herring, candidate for Attorney General; and Danica Roem, candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. |