Showing Up: Why Inclusive Workplaces Are Good Business and Essential for Equality

by Kelley Robinson

Many of you have reached out about Toyota joining several other companies in abandoning their commitments to the LGBTQ+ community after being pressured by those pushing misinformation about the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index.

I am here to correct the record because, in reality, all of this is designed to stop our progress.

When we launched the CEI, the world looked drastically different. In most places, LGBTQ employees had to hide who they were and who they loved. Few policies or laws offered protection against harassment or discrimination. No matter how hard you worked or what value you brought to the company, in most instances you couldn’t get health insurance benefits for your partner of 15+ years, but your straight colleague who got married last week could add their spouse immediately.

We worked with companies across all sectors to make the case for these workers and the company’s bottom line. Being treated unfairly at work squashes productivity and creates a more hostile work environment, impacting all workers. It leads to recruitment and retention problems that are a drain on business outcomes. And it exposes companies to legal and brand risks. The CEI was the solution — a transparent set of policies that companies could implement to help level the playing field.

For more than 20 years, we’ve transformed the workplace. In that first year, 89 companies answered the survey and only 13 achieved a top score. Today, over 1,400 companies participate in our CEI representing over 29 million employees across the nation. This isn't just progress; it has paved the way to a better workplace.

We partnered with companies to reduce their risks by establishing non-discrimination protections long before the Bostock ruling. We worked with them on inclusive healthcare benefits, making sure that medically necessary care was available without discrimination to LGBTQ+ workers and their families. We made sure family leave was accessible to same-sex couples and their families.

This collaboration has been more than just a benchmarking tool; it has changed the lives of countless LGBTQ+ employees and their families. And it’s just as vital today as it was 20 years ago.

There is nothing political about supporting LGBTQ+ people and our families in the workplace - it’s just good business.

Workers need to know that no matter who is in the statehouse or in the White House, they can trust that their employer won’t discriminate against them in their health insurance benefits or employee handbook. They need to know that they can be protected against harassment whether they’re on the factory floor or at HQ. With more polarization than ever, it’s critical for LGBTQ+ employees, customers and our allies to know that a company has inclusive policies and practices. And the CEI delivers that clarity – with 93% of LGBTQ+ Americans looking to the CEI as a measure of support for the community.

The facts are clear. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just moral imperatives; they are essential for business success in the 21st century. The LGBTQ+ community represents $1.4 trillion in buying power. Thirty percent of Gen Z–the future workforce–identifies as LGBTQ+. Eighty percent of LGBTQ+ consumers would boycott companies that roll back inclusion initiatives. A third of LGBTQ+ employees say their productivity would suffer in a less inclusive environment, and 20% would consider quitting. These aren't just statistics; they represent real people, real livelihoods, and real business impacts.

To the businesses that have been leading the charge, thank you for your support and working together to create a world where every individual, regardless of who they are or who they love, can live and work with dignity, respect and equal opportunity. Your LGBTQ+ employees and customers are watching, and your actions now will define their trust in you and their colleagues for years to come. I implore you to stand firm.

To the employees and customers witnessing their employers or preferred brands wavering in the face of these attacks: your voices matter. We’ve developed resources to make sure company leaders understand the importance and value of inclusion at Your courage in speaking up can make a profound difference.

The Human Rights Campaign remains steadfast in our mission. Leveling the playing field for your LGBTQ+ employees takes nothing away from others — in fact, tools like the CEI help build a more collaborative, safe workplace where all workers can thrive. Let us work together to build better workplaces and a better world for all.