by Hope Jackson •
Each year, Tennessee is at the top of the list of states introducing the most anti-LGBTQ legislation -- and this year is no different.
Each year, Tennessee is at the top of the list of states introducing the most anti-LGBTQ legislation --and this year is no different. Ten days into the legislative session, Governor Bill Lee signed HB 836 into law; making Tennessee the first state to pass an anti-LGBTQ bill in 2020. HB 836 provides a license to discriminate in the provision of child welfare services, allowing state contractors who provide taxpayer-funded adoption and foster care services to refuse to make child placements with qualified, loving families if the family doesn’t share all of the agency’s religious beliefs.
A recent HRC survey also found Tennesseans’ broad opposition to anti-LGBTQ legislation in the state’s legislature. That’s why earlier this month, HRC joined the Tennessee Equality Project for Advancing Equality Day on the Hill to urge lawmakers to stop the attacks on LGBTQ Tennesseans.
Now that we’re past the bill filing deadline, it is clear that anti-equality lawmakers are intent on continuing the push to advance legislation that would negatively impact the lives of LGBTQ Tennesseans. Moreover, targeting transgender and non-binary youth --the most vulnerable and marginalized community.
Here’s an awful picture of what we’re fighting against in Tennessee.
Bills that would put the wellbeing of transgender youth at risk:
Bills that would defy the Supreme Court’s ruling that same-sex marriage is constitutional:
Bills that would diminish local government control and target the LGBTQ community:
HRC is proud to stand alongside Tennessee Equality Project and coalition partners to fight back against the growing slate of hate. If you live in Tennessee, we need your voice! Join HRC at Tennessee Equality Project’s upcoming Advancing Equality Day on the Hill on Tuesday, March 3, at 8:30 am. For more information, reach out to