HRC Foundation's Economic Empowerment programs provide education and resources to LGBTQ+ young adults with a focus on the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate biased systems and gain more economic stability.
Human Rights Campaign Foundation's Economic Empowerment programs provide culturally-responsive education and resources to LGBTQ+ young adults with a focus on the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate biased systems and gain more economic stability.
LGBTQ+ adults face unique challenges that impact their economic well-being. LGBTQ+ job seekers face persistent and pervasive threats of discrimination and bias from prospective employers and the LGBTQ+ community must navigate often exclusionary employment and financial systems. For Black and Brown LGBTQ+ folks, women, and trans and non-binary workers, these realities are compounded by racism, sexism and cissexism. Our programs offer resources at the community, organization, and individual level.
WorthIt is a digital wellness platform that inspires and motivates LGBTQ+ folks to improve their financial health & well-being. Tailored to the needs of LGBTQ+ adults ages 18 to 44, WorthIt aims to raise awareness around economic injustice within the LGBTQ+ community and provide the tools and information needed to help close the LGBTQ+ wealth gap.
Next Level is the HRC Foundation’s twelve week wellness, job readiness and financial health program for LGBTQ+ adults ages 18-30. The program centers on the lived experiences of Black and Brown and trans and non-binary community members and provides knowledge and skills to navigate biased systems and gain more economic stability.
The Sankofa Table is a national effort to engage and reengage Black and Brown LGBTQ+ community leaders, including representatives from grassroots BIPOC-led and centered organizations and their constituents. This collective space informs and guides HRC Foundation economic empowerment programming with a focus on equity and reciprocity in these programs' work with communities.
This work is made possible by generous funding from T-Mobile, the Wells Fargo Foundation and the Workday Foundation.