Since 2016, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation has been working with global businesses, regional consultants and advocates to ensure the inclusion and equality of LGBTQ+ employees in workplaces across the globe.
Check out our in-country programs and information regarding new projects below
For more than two decades, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation has
worked closely with corporate and civil society leaders, multinationals,
corporations and stakeholders committed to promote the best policies
and practices for LGBTQ+ employees nationwide. The HRC Corporate Equality Index (CEI),
the premier benchmarking tool on corporate policies, practices and
benefits pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer
employees that has fundamentally changed the way in which diversity and
inclusion is implemented among top employers across the country.
Equidad Mexico 2026
Launch Date: May 5th, 2025
Close Date: summer 2025, exact date tba
Equidad Chile 2026
Launch Date: winter 2025, exact date tba
Close Date: winter 2026, exact date tba
Equidad Argentina 2025
Launch Date: Currently open
Close Date: March 31st, 2025
Equidade Brazil 2025
Launch Date: Currently open
Close Date: April 30th, 2025
Parameters vary by country. Organizations interested in participating in one of our Equidad/e surveys are encouraged to contact the HRC Foundation Workplace Equality Program at
Because each survey only rates policies and practices within their respective countries, businesses that serve as the national subsidiary of a foreign-based multi-national business are welcome to participate.
No, participation in the Equidad/e surveys is free.
Employers that have earned a 100 rating on the Equidad/e survey in a country have satisfied all of the criteria for that year and are recognized as a "Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality," or "Mejores Lugares para Trabajar LGBT/ Melhores Empresas Para Pessoas LGBTQ+ Trabalharem" in that country.
These criteria have been created to encourage employers to participate in the index and to advance the best practices for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion that should be expected of all large employers. The criteria have always been intended to evolve as more employers adopt existing criteria and new best practices emerge.
The HRC Equidad/e programs survey assessed major businesses and multinational companies based on four core pillars of LGBTQ+ inclusion:
No, questions that affect your score are clearly marked throughout the survey. We include several informational only questions in order to identify new and best practices.
No, the HRC Foundation does not require employers to make financial contributions to HRC in order to obtain a 100. The Equidad/e surveys and reports are administered and run by staff of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the 501(c)(3) educational arm of the Human Rights Campaign, who do not have fundraising responsibilities.
If your business is eligible and you are authorized to represent your employer and its policies, please e-mail to participate in the Equidad/e surveys. If you are not authorized to participate on your employer's behalf, please forward the appropriate contacts with name, position, e-mail and mailing address to us. Appropriate contacts can include professionals in:
We will make sure they receive an invitation to participate in the survey either in the current or approaching year. Please note that it is best for individuals internal to the organization to approach these contacts first, to educate them on the value of the surveys and to secure a commitment on their part to participate.
If you are not an authorized agent for your employer but wish to provide the HRC Foundation Workplace Equality Program with updated information, please e-mail Submissions of this nature are handled on a case-by-case basis. Please allow some time for the HRC Workplace Equality Program to verify your information.
As the nation’s driving force for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion, the success and trajectory of the CEI served as an inspiration to expand the mission and vision of the Foundation's Workplace Equality Program.
In 2016 and 2018, HRC translated its long-standing experience and expertise to establish two in-country programs designed to promote LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion adapted to the social and cultural context of Mexico and Chile respectively. In 2021, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation expanded its LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion efforts in Latin America to include Argentina and Brazil.
Our Global Workplace Equality Programs were established to grow and promote LGBTQ+ inclusion among companies and U.S. multinationals in Latin America and recognize businesses with the HRC Foundation's designation of “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality” or "Mejores Lugares Para Trabajar LGBTQ+" for their efforts to become inclusive workplaces.
Through HRC Equidad MX, CL, AR, and Equidade BR, the HRC Foundation promotes the adoption of critical practices and policies that reflect the employer’s commitment to LGBTQ+ equality.
Learn more about us by visiting the Equidad MX webpage
Use the link below to download the latest Equidad MX report
Learn more about us by visiting the Equidad CL webpage
Use the link below to download the latest Equidad CL report
Learn more about us by visiting the Equidade BR webpage
Use the link below to download the latest Equidade BR report
Learn more about us by visiting the Equidad AR webpage
Use the link below to download the latest Equidad AR report
Building on the success of the June 2019 German campaign that saw 100+ companies sign a declaration committing to end workplace discrimination against employees living with HIV, IBM & SAP worked together with the Human Rights Campaign Foundation to extend the #workingpositively global campaign to the U.S. in 2020. Nearly four years later, we have seen continued commitment from our numerous corporate members.
The #workingpositively Pledge on behalf of employees living with HIV asks companies to commit to creating safe, supportive and inclusive spaces for people living with HIV and other chronic illnesses. Signatories to the pledge commit to:
• fight stigma and promote open, respectful cooperation for people living with HIV and other chronic illnesses.
• welcome employees living with HIV who can be open about their HIV status without fear of reprisal.
• create opportunities for employees to engage with HIV services and community-based organizations.
• honor privacy and never demand an HIV test during company medical examinations or ask an employee to disclose their HIV status.
• promote my commitment internally with our employees and publicly share my organization’s commitment on social media.
Visit HRC's #workingpositively webpage to learn more.
At the North American Business Summit on LGBTQ Refugees in 2020, the Human Rights Campaign and Tent called on companies to support LGBTQ+ refugees. The collaboration of these two organizations, alongside the commitment of trailblazing companies in the international workforce, has led to the successful placement of over one thousand refugees in mentor/ mentee relationships in their desired fields of work.
Learn more about our work with Tent via the link above.
The Human Rights Campaign reports on news, events and resources of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that are of interest to the general public and further our common mission to support the LGBTQ+ community.