by Brandon Wolf •
Data Updated May 10, 2024
19 states are currently in session as of May 10
25 states have ended the session as of May 10
210+ pro-equality
440+ anti-LGBTQ+
AZ HB 2183 & SB 1182 have been vetoed
WI AB 377 & HB 510 have been vetoed
KS SB 233 has been vetoed
Eleven pro-equality bills have passed into law California: SB 339, Colorado: HB 24-1017, Colorado: HB 24-1039, Colorado: SCR 24-003, Maine: LD 279, New Mexico: S.J.M 2, Virginia: HB 174, Washington: HB 1954, Washington: SB 5462, Washington: SB 5427, Washington HB2331
Last week, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation released the 2024 Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), a trusted benchmarking tool for LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and best practices in healthcare facilities. This year’s index had 1,065 healthcare facilities participate in the scoring process, the highest number on record.
As South Carolina moves to ban gender-affirming care for youth, joining all of its neighboring states, a healthcare crisis for transgender people in the Deep South looms. Identifying health facilities nationwide that are committed to providing equitable care is more crucial than ever. The yearslong wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation that has targeted access to healthcare has set the stage for increased instances of discrimination or disrespect in healthcare settings leading more LGBTQ+ people to delay or avoid seeking the care they need. The HEI is an invaluable tool for LGBTQ+ people seeking care amidst continued attacks in state houses across the country.
Visit here to view a new interactive map that allows users to search for LGBTQ+ inclusive facilities by state and HEI designation.
Last week, Alabama joined the roster of states whose Republican-majority legislatures failed to pass new anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, further evidence that the tide is turning on the anti-LGBTQ+ agenda.
All eyes remain on South Carolina, where a bill to ban access to medically necessary, best practice health care for transgender youth and restrict public funding for that care for transgender people of all ages sits on the governor’s desk.
Anti-Equality Bills:
Louisiana: Last Tuesday, HB 608 was reported favorably by the Senate Judiciary Committee. This bill would adopt a definition of sex based on "biological sex" as observed at birth, downgrading a woman’s gender to be just her reproductive body parts and defining women in a way that reduces them to their ability to bear children. The legislation also explicitly excludes gender identity from the definition of sex, and requires state laws and rules to treat individuals based upon sex assigned at birth. In addition, the bill would require domestic violence shelters, schools, correctional facilities, and juvenile detention facilities, to treat transgender people based on their sex assigned at birth for purposes of accessing housing or sleeping quarters, restrooms, and changing rooms. It passed the House last month.
Mississippi: Last Monday, SB 2753, an anti-LGBTQ+ erasure bill that would also bar students from accessing bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity, passed the House and was signed by the governor today.
South Carolina: On Thursday, May 9th, the House concurred with changes that the Senate made to HB 4624. The bill now heads to the Governor. This bill would prohibit gender-affirming care for anyone under the age of 18. It also would prohibit use of public funds, including Medicaid, for gender-affirming care for transgender people of all ages and place medical providers under threat of professional and civil penalties.
Tennessee: On May 1st, Governor Bill Lee signed SB 1810, a law forcing school staff to out transgender students without their consent.
“As anti-LGBTQ+ extremists look to strip away healthcare access at every turn, LGBTQ+ people and their loved ones are looking for healthcare providers to offer and champion fully inclusive services, The Healthcare Equality Index is helping people find facilities where welcoming policies and practices are the standard. We know that LGBTQ+ people – especially our trans family – continue to face discrimination in the doctor’s office. No one should have to put their health on the backburner for fear of mistreatment in a healthcare facility or by their doctor."
Kelley Robinson, HRC President on the release of HRC Foundation’s 2024 Healthcare Equality Index
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The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.
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