by HRC Staff •
Human Rights Campaign and American Pharmacists Association Release New Guide on Trans Inclusion for Pharmacies on Trans Day of Visibility
Today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, the educational arm of the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) civil rights organization, and the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) released a new guide for pharmacies on transgender and gender-diverse inclusion, “Providing Inclusive Care and Services for the Transgender and Gender Diverse Community: A Pharmacy Resource Guide.” The guide, released on International Transgender Day of Visibility, serves as an educational tool and a resource to pharmacists and pharmacy staff on how to be inclusive to transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse patients.
“Transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse people everywhere deserve competent care when visiting any health care provider, including pharmacies. This resource, released today to mark International Transgender Day of Visibility, will help pharmacists and pharmacy staff provide trans-competent and trans-inclusive care to all of their patients. The Human Rights Campaign is proud to partner with the American Pharmacists Association on this critical resource.”
“We are proud to partner with the Human Rights Campaign to develop and share this resource on providing inclusive care and services for people that identify as transgender and gender diverse. Helping pharmacists and pharmacy staff become familiar with the particular needs of patients that identify as transgender and gender-diverse is a high priority for APhA, and we are confident that our members will find this guide useful and applicable to their work. The pharmacy profession holds itself to the highest standards of conduct, and the lessons that can be learned from this guide promote treating patients that identify as transgender and gender-diverse with the utmost care and respect.”
The guide outlines six qualities of a pharmacy that is inclusive of transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse individuals, including knowledge of key LGBTQ terms, inclusive communication, gender-related data management, visible symbols of support, staff training and knowledgeable and patient-centered care. The resource then takes a deep dive into these six components and how pharmacies can implement these in their everyday work. Along with the full guide, HRC and APhA are also releasing several shorter versions that are accessible and easy for pharmacists and pharmacy staff to use throughout the day.
The release of this guide comes on International Transgender Day of Visibility. Held annually on March 31, Trans Day of Visibility is a time to celebrate transgender and non-binary people around the globe and acknowledge the determination it takes to live openly and authentically. Advocates also lift up the violence and discrimination that many transgender and non-binary people, especially trans women of color and Black trans women, still face.
Read the full resource guide here.
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