by Wyatt Ronan •
Today, the Human Rights Campaign announced a new slate of Congressional endorsements.
These candidates are key to HRC’s mission of holding and expanding the pro-equality House majority and giving Congress the opportunity to finally pass the Equality Act while enshrining other key LGBTQ protections.
The Human Rights Campaign is proud to endorse today’s slate of candidates who will expand our pro-equality majority in Congress. These leaders will deliver on the passage of the Equality Act and fight for LGBTQ rights and protections across the board. This is a watershed moment in American history, and voters have a stark choice to make. Do we elect champions that will make progress on life and death issues for 11.3 million LGBTQ Americans or will we allow anti-equality extremists to stunt and roll back the strides we have made toward full equality. These candidates represent the change we want to see, and we will be working hard to make sure they are elected and have the opportunity to fight for the full equality every LGBTQ American deserves.
Candidates endorsed include:
Thank you to the Human Rights Campaign for endorsing our campaign. Since day one, we’ve championed equality and denounced discrimination of all kinds. During these challenging times, it’s important for leaders to speak out and declare their allegiances. We must give intolerance and hate no safe quarter in America, and recognize that while all are created equal, not all have been treated equal. I look forward to working with HRC on legislation that will lift up those who’ve been marginalized and ensure America lives up to its highest ideals.
I'm so honored to have the support of the Human Rights Campaign. We need to pass the Equality Act to secure the basic civil rights of LGBTQ Americans, defend the health care protections for LGBTQ people enshrined in the Affordable Care Act, and develop a federal response to the epidemic of violence against transgender people—especially Black Trans Women. I'll fight every day for LGBTQ equality when I get to Congress.
As an investigative reporter, I took on abhorrent, bigoted policies like conversion therapy and transgender bathroom bans, devoting hours of broadcast television to these issues. During the 80s and 90s I reported widely on the AIDS epidemic, elevating the stories of those affected by the disease and challenging the homophobia that went along with it. Throughout my career, I've used my reporting as a tool to expose LGBTQ discrimination and in Congress I will work tirelessly to pass comprehensive federal civil rights protections to help achieve justice and equality for the LGBTQ community. Significant progress has been made on these fronts because of the organizing and advocacy of the Human Rights Campaign and I'm so proud to have their support.
I am proud to have the Human Rights Campaign on our side as we fight to bring quality, affordable health care to all North Texans. Congressman Van Taylor has shown time and time again that he supports blatant discrimination against LGBTQ+ Texans and as an employment attorney, I know just how damaging those policies are when put into practice. In Congress, I won’t give up until all Texans have equal protection under the law.
I’m proud to count on the Human Rights Campaign's support as we fight for the basic rights and dignity of all Americans. My opponent voted numerous times against healthcare protections for the LGBTQIA+ community and spoke out against the 2015 marriage equality ruling. As a person of faith, I know that my sister's love for her wife is as true as my own for my husband. As your congresswoman, I’ll fight to protect this right, for the human right to quality and affordable healthcare, and for equal status under every law for every Texan.
In Congress, I will always fight on the side of the LGBTQ+ community, and it is clear to me that Congress has a lot of work to do. I am running against Lee Zeldin, who has a long track record of working against equality, voting against the Equality Act in Congress, and against Marriage Equality when he served in Albany. I have been a strong ally and advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, including serving on Stony Brook University's Steering Committee for implementation of our Campus Diversity Plan. I am deeply grateful for HRC's support of my campaign, and look forward to working together to build a more equitable and inclusive future for our children.
In the 2018 midterms, HRC mobilized our grassroots army of 3.2 million members, supporters, and volunteers to work on behalf of pro-equality candidates and engage pro-equality voters. This unprecedented grassroots mobilization worked to recruit and train volunteers, register and mobilize voters and grow the organization's political organizing efforts in order to pull the emergency brake on the hateful anti-LGBTQ agenda of the Trump-Pence administration and elect a Congress that would hold them accountable.
In 2020, our engagement and mobilization efforts have only deepened.While in person organizing has been limited by the COVID-19 pandemic, HRC has embraced digital organizing, launching a new tool called TEAM allowing our broad network of volunteers and steering committees to engage their networks personally and hundreds of virtual phone banks and text banks to engage pro-equality voters even without the ability to interact in person.
To make a general inquiry, please visit our contact page. Members of the media can reach our press office at: (202) 572-8968 or email