Human Rights Campaign Equality Votes PAC Sounds Alarm on Trump-Endorsed Nevada GOP U.S. Senate Nominee Sam Brown

by Jared Todd

WASHINGTON — Last night, anti-abortion, anti-equality and Trump-endorsed MAGA candidate for U.S. Senate Sam Brown won Nevada’s GOP primary. Brown’s praise for the many radical and harmful policies promoted by Donald Trump, along with his own MAGA-inspired, anti-equality political agenda, makes Brown an alarming nominee for U.S. Senate:

Jared Todd, HRC Equality Votes PAC Spokesperson, released the following statement:

“Nevadans deserve much better than a MAGA and Trump sycophant like Sam Brown representing them in Washington. Brown’s embrace of regressive thinking around issues pertaining to the LGBTQ+ community, women and people of color should be alarming to the voters of Nevada, who have long been a leader in fighting for equality. Sam Brown belongs nowhere near the U.S. Senate, and the HRC Equality Votes PAC and more than half a million Equality Voters in Nevada will ensure he never gets there.”

HRC’s Equality Votes PAC will be mobilizing 560,000 Nevada Equality Voters–voters modeled to prioritize LGTBQ+ equality when making their voting decisions–from now until November to ensure they know about Brown’s dangerous record and understand what’s at stake for LGTBQ+ Nevadans.

Paid for by HRC Equality Votes PAC ( Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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