New Report Highlights Stark Contrasts Between Federal Agency LGBTQ+ Records Under Trump and Biden
As LGBTQ+ Communities Grapple With Ongoing Political Attacks, Agency Impacts Vary Significantly Between the Two Administrations
As LGBTQ+ Communities Grapple With Ongoing Political Attacks, Agency Impacts Vary Significantly Between the Two Administrations
Their Opponents, Republican Gubernatorial Nominee Mark Robinson and AG Nominee Dan Bishop, Have Made No Secret of Their Plans to Drive LGBTQ+ People Out of Society
Robinson Recently On His…
America Faced With Two Starkly Different Visions for the Future
“With legislators having loudly and proudly proclaimed their [anti-transgender] bias, the defendants ought not be allowed to hide from it now”
Resolution is a MAGA Attack on the Biden-Harris Administration’s Efforts to Protect Students Nationwide
New website from HRC’s Equality Votes PAC highlights the resumes that anti-equality politicians don’t want you to see - with more to come
Equality Votes PAC will ensure the 75…
La tercera encuesta anual refleja un impacto en 224.649 empleades, lo que equivale a un aumento del 120% con respecto al año pasado.
Third annual survey reflects 224,649 employees impacted, an increase of 120% from last year.
HRC President Kelley Robinson: "We appreciate that the administration has clarified that its position on healthcare for the transgender community has not changed—that it opposes any and all bans on…
“Donald Trump and his MAGA followers aren’t fooling anyone."