Despite the lingering damage inflicted on the state’s reputation and business climate during last year’s RFRA fight, a more dangerous proposal may advance this Wednesday
Legislation scheduled for a hearing Monday in the House State Affairs committee would put state law in direct conflict with federal law
HRC Foundation Launches Fellowship Program for Young Leaders in Communities Most Affected by HIV
Vote was the first in the nation during the 2016 state legislative session on nearly 100 anti-LGBT bills being considered across 24 states
To help increase transparency and accountability, Department of Education will publish list of educational institutions who have sought and/or received an exemption from federal law seeking the right to discriminate…
So-called First Amendment Defense Act of Georgia goes far beyond protecting the rights already established in the First Amendment and would promote state taxpayer-funded discrimination
Washington – Earlier today, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the US’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organization, partnered with Microsoft and SkyBridge Capital to host a…
Momentum builds as another Republican signs on to landmark LGBT non-discrimination legislation
Rep. Mark Pody pushes appalling legislation attempting to strip away the right of loving and committed same-sex couples to marry in Tennessee. Bill is scheduled for a hearing tomorrow.
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