Communities of Color

People of color who are also LGBTQ+ face a unique set of challenges based on their experience at the intersection of two marginalized communities in our society.

Choose from one of our featured topics to explore specific areas of our Communities of Color resources.

The LGBTQ+ community will not achieve full equality as long as LGBTQ+ people of color continue to face oppression and marginalization on the basis of race. The Human Rights Campaign is committed to fighting racism and racial oppression, challenging hateful policies and rhetoric and representing and advocating for the full diversity of the LGBTQ+ community through a range of strategies, tactics and programs.

Featured Resource

AANHPI & Proud

For too long in the fight for LGBTQ+ equality, Asian American/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) voices have been toned down, quiet, or missing. We’re changing that.

Read Moreabout AANHPI & Proud

LGBTQ+ Youth, Allies, Workplace, Parenting, Elections, Transgender, Health & Aging, State & Local Policy, Coming Out, Communities of Color, Hate Crimes, Adoption, Laws & Legislation

Facing the Future Together: FAQs, Guidance, and Resources

Many in our community are experiencing the heaviness of recent events and a range of emotions including fear, anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness, and exhaustion. 

Transgender, Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders, Capacity Building, Communities of Color, Recursos en Español

ELÉVATE: Un programa de la Iniciativa de Justicia Transgénero

ELÉVATE, el nuevo programa de nuestra Iniciativa de Justicia Trans, promueve el liderazgo de las personas trans y no binarias hispanohablantes por poner en contacto a los miembros de la…

Capacity Building, Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders, Transgender, Communities of Color

MOTIVATE: A Transgender Justice Initiative Program

Overview:Our Trans Justice Initiative’s MOTIVATE Program advances the leadership of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) transmen and transmasculine nonbinary folks by connecting them with other community members and…

Communities of Color, Allies, Capacity Building, Empowering Advocate Communities

HRSí: HRC’s Latine Working Group

Who Are We?
HRSí is a working group of board members, staff, volunteers, and members that aim to center the experience of Latine LGBTQ+ people within HRC’s work and expand…

Communities of Color, Allies, Capacity Building, Empowering Advocate Communities

B.L.A.C.K. Council

Our B.L.A.C.K. Council engages, develops and empowers Black HRC members, volunteer leaders, donors, and staff to establish and maintain safe spaces and increase representation for Black LGBTQ+ people and their…

Allies, Communities of Color, Research

Understanding Drag: As American as Apple Pie

Drag is a performance art that uses costumes, makeup, and other tools to present exaggerated forms of gender expression to critique gender inequalities and imagine a transformational future where people…

Sexual Health, HIV & Health Equity, Communities of Color, College, Capacity Building, Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders

PrEP Ambassadors: A HBCU Program

Our HBCU’s PrEP Ambassador Program was created to build a network of leaders to eliminate stigma and enrich the college experience for LGBTQ+ students attending HBCUs.