HRC LEARN is the HRC Foundation's Learning Management System designed to deliver high-quality eLearning content on LGBTQ+ inclusion to learners across industries and professions.
The HRC Foundation seeks to fundamentally change the way LGBTQ+ people are treated in our everyday lives, and education is core to achieving this mission. Through HRC LEARN, the Foundation offers high-quality, trusted training content on LGBTQ+ inclusion and allyship for a variety of audiences. Training is delivered through asynchronous eLearning modules and micro-learning experiences, as well as synchronous virtual instructor-led training (VILT) via zoom.
HRC LEARN is a learning management system designed by the HRC Foundation to deliver high-quality training content on a variety of topics related to LGBTQ+ inclusion and allyship. Upon launch, learners will be able to register and enroll in eLearning, micro-learning and instructor-led training content.
Upon launch HRC LEARN’s primary content is geared toward professional audiences and focuses on creating LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces in workplaces, schools and other youth and family service organizations.
Over time, HRC LEARN will expand to include training content for anyone looking to learn more about LGBTQ+ topics, creating LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces, and allyship for and with LGBTQ+ communities.
Topics range from beginner to advanced, so no matter where you are in your learning journey, you’ll likely find information that answers the questions you have today.
HRC LEARN hosts three different types of training content:
Micro-learning: Training content delivered to learners in bite-sized, focused bursts. Micro-learning modules often focus on one specific learning objective. These modules are available on-demand and learners participate asynchronously. Micro-learning modules are typically no more than five minutes long.
eLearning: Training delivery via digital resources, provided through electronic devices such as computers, tablets and even mobile phones that are connected to the internet. eLearning courses are available on-demand and learners participate asynchronously. eLearning courses typically range from 15 to 30 minutes in length per module, with learning plans (a tailored set of multiple modules) ranging anywhere from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT): Training delivered by an instructor via Zoom. VILT offerings are scheduled for specific date/time and learners participate synchronously.
HRC LEARN offers free training content as well as content available for purchase. For example, micro-learning content is free and available to anyone who registers. Access to most eLearning and VILT courses will be available for purchase.
Yes. It is possible to license HRC eLearning content for use on your organization’s LMS. To explore options, contact the HRC Foundation.
All Children - All Families (ACAF) offers expert training on a diverse range of LGBTQ+ topics for child welfare professionals and caregivers.
Learn MoreWelcoming Schools has certified facilitators across the country ready to work with your school or district.
View TrainingsExplore our professional resources for employers, find trainings and research to improve LGBTQ+ inclusivity in the workplace.
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