Who Are We?

HRSí is a working group of board members, staff, volunteers, and members that aim to center the experience of Latine LGBTQ+ people within HRC’s work and expand HRC’s Latine LGBTQ+ communities.

HRSí: Grupo de Trabajo Latino de HRC

HRSí es un grupo de trabajo de miembros de la junta directiva, personal, voluntarios y miembros que tiene como objetivo centrar la experiencia de las personas latinas LGBTQ+ dentro del trabajo de HRC y expandir las comunidades latinas LGBTQ+ de HRC.

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HRSí is committed to:

  • Community — Creating HRC spaces for the Latine community to promote healing, engagement, and support for multiply marginalized folks

  • Accessibility — Encouraging an HRC culture that removes as many barriers to entry for la gente as possible

  • Representation — Building an LGBTQ+ movement that authentically highlights the diversity of the Latine experience and is led by Latinx/e actors

  • Amplification — Expanding HRC’s focus to include and prioritize Latine voices and issues

HRSí se compromete a:

  • Comunidad Crear espacios de HRC para la comunidad latina con el fin de promover la curación, el compromiso y el apoyo a personas que pertenecen a grupos múltiplemente marginados.

  • Accesibilidad Fomentar una cultura de HRC que elimine tantas barreras de entrada para la gente como sea posible.

  • Representación Construir un movimiento LGBTQ+ que resalte auténticamente la diversidad de la experiencia latina y sea liderado por actores latinx/e.

  • Amplificación Ampliar el enfoque de HRC para incluir y priorizar voces e temas latinos

Our decision to use the term Latine reflects how HRC acknowledges and respects the cultural shifts and growth within communities and identities with new terminology. While we now use this term to be more inclusive of many genders, we recognize that many terms exist and have existed for this community, including Latina/o, Latinx, and Hispanic.



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Most Recent Equidad Reports


Latine and Proud

As a Latine and LGBTQ+ youth, Adelyn is at the intersection of living authentically as a trans teen child who celebrates and honors her Mexican roots.

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Ending HIV & Stigma in Black and Latine Communities

My Body, My Health is a coast-to-coast initiative designed to break through the barriers and systemic injustices affecting the sexual health of Black and Latine LGBTQ+ communities.

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Trans Justice Initiative Launches Leadership Program for Hispanic Trans Community

Seeking to advance the leadership of Spanish-speaking trans and nonbinary people, this fellowship empowers trans community advocates by investing in their professional development and interpersonal skills.

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Interested in getting more involved? Email us at hrsi@hrc.org!

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