LGBTQ+ Youth

Challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth are changing, but what they always need is support from each other and the adults in their lives.

For HRC's resources for educators, please visit To learn about our annual gathering of LGBTQ+ youth-serving professionals, visit TimetoThrive.

Choose from one of our featured topics to explore specific areas of our LGBTQ+ Youth resources.

State & Local Policy, Laws & Legislation, College, Allies, LGBTQ+ Youth, Parenting, Empowering Advocate Communities

Tips for Preparedness, Peaceful Protesting, and Safety

Safety and preparedness are essential in uncertain times. Whether you're preparing for an emergency or participating in a peaceful protest, these guidelines will help ensure your safety and well-being.

LGBTQ+ Youth, Allies, Workplace, Parenting, Elections, Transgender, Health & Aging, State & Local Policy, Coming Out, Communities of Color, Hate Crimes, Adoption, Laws & Legislation

Facing the Future Together: FAQs, Guidance, and Resources

Many in our community are experiencing the heaviness of recent events and a range of emotions including fear, anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness, and exhaustion. 

Transgender, LGBTQ+ Youth, Allies, Coming Out, Parenting, Research

Understanding Neopronouns

What are Neopronouns? Pronouns are the words we use to refer to ourselves and others and are an important part of our daily lives. In English, the most common personal…

LGBTQ+ Youth, Parenting

A Parent’s Quick Guide for In-School Transitions

HRC Foundation’s Parents for Transgender Equality National Council Members Debi Jackson, Mimi Lemay, Kim Lesher, and Lizette Trujillo along with Welcoming Schools Facilitator Michele Hatchell and Youth Well-Being Coordinator Pallavi…

LGBTQ+ Youth, Parenting, Research

Supporting Your Young Gender Non-Conforming Child

HRC Foundation’s Parents for Transgender Equality National Council Member Jennifer Solomon and Youth Well-Being Coordinator Pallavi Rudraraju partnered to create HRC Foundation’s 2020 resource for parents of gender non-conforming children,…