Facing the Future Together: FAQs, Guidance, and Resources
Many in our community are experiencing the heaviness of recent events and a range of emotions including fear, anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness, and exhaustion.
In June 2020, the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed that LGBTQ+ workers are protected from discrimination under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 — a landmark decision.
Choose from one of our featured topics to explore specific areas of our Workplace resources.
Many in our community are experiencing the heaviness of recent events and a range of emotions including fear, anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness, and exhaustion.
This guide is intended to help transgender people to navigate aspects of their transition related to the workplace. If you are an employer who wishes to support your transgender employees,…
Throughout the entire country, historic and devastating attacks on the transgender community are taking place, particuarly against trans youth. Most recently, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott took the unprecedented step of…
Poverty generally refers to a lack of basic necessities, resources and income, though its exact definition is often widely debated and measured in a variety of ways. A common way…
Transgender people across this country are under attack. Hundreds of bills have been introduced in state legislatures that attempt to erase transgender people, make LGBTQ+ folks second class citizens and…
Transgender employees and employees who have transgender dependents will want to know how their employer's health insurance plans treat transgender people, regardless of their medical needs, and what medical providers…
Under the patchwork of state and local employment law that prohibits employment discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation more than three of every five citizens live in jurisdictions…